A Short Film by Doug Conant


It’s hard to think about the future if you don’t believe that you exist, as a human being.

– Rebecca M.


A young woman living a dangerous life working on the streets takes in an elderly dog left behind when his owner is killed in a robbery. Though not a dog person, their brief relationship changes her in ways she could never have expected.


WITNESS TO BREATH is a powerful drama about a trafficked sex worker in a decaying urban city. Working the street by night and sleeping by day, her routine is disrupted by an elderly dog whose owner was killed in a robbery.

The two are strangely, cosmically, drawn to each other, and the girl takes the dog in. Risking her safety, she embraces a perfect excuse to spend more time with him than on the street, forming a tender sanctuary for just the two of them. However, their respite takes an unexpected turn.

Struggling to maintain their idyllic time together, the girl is faced with an unspeakable threat… and the most profound revelation of her life.


WITNESS TO BREATH shines a light on issues often relegated to the shadows, unveiling the harsh realities faced by marginalized young women and children trapped in prostitution and trafficking.

Delving into one young woman’s life, “Girl’s” story reveals her complex circumstances and challenges myths about outdoor sex work and trafficking. The story highlights the intersection of her struggles with broader societal issues, like poverty and violence against women. We don’t have all the answers, but you’ll feel the consequences.

“Working the streets” represents a particular kind of desperation, and the scenarios leading there are often intricate and heartbreaking. While “Girl’s” situation is raw and real, her story is steeped in the dreams of those lost everywhere.

A unique theme of this film is the healing power of dogs. There are countless stories of this uncanny phenomenon. You likely have one yourself. Dogs have been recognized for their therapeutic benefits in many settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and therapy sessions.

WITNESS TO BREATH showcases how a dog’s companionship profoundly impacts trauma recovery and fosters new perspectives on life. “Dog” offers “Girl” what she may never have had before: unconditional love, emotional support, and a sense of purpose.

These qualities make dogs trusted allies in the journey toward improved well-being. We hope this theme in our film reaches marginalized people everywhere and inspires them to seek it out in their own lives.


  • A strong character-driven script, festival/awards vehicle
  • WeScreenplay Short Script Lab finalist and Honorable Mention (top 7!), Coverfly Red List & Top 1% Short Screenplay, Manchester Screenplay Contest Semifinalist
  • A rich story that inspires discourse about complex societal issues like sex work, trafficking, trauma, and poverty
  • A unique exploration of the uncanny and therapeutic power of dogs


You’ll love this film if you…

  • Enjoy emotionally rich and character-driven stories that explore complex human experiences
  • Have a soft spot for animals and you’re drawn to stories involving their companionship and impact on human lives
  • Value kindness and understanding, and are interested in stories that explore the capacity for human connection and empathy
  • Appreciate stories that highlight the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to find hope and strength in difficult circumstances


Group Six Films and From the Heart Productions are accepting donations to achieve the full budget of $55k for the production of WITNESS TO BREATH.

From the Heart Productions, our fiscal sponsor, has been successfully raising film funds for over 30 years as a trusted, top-ranked 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All monetary donations for this film will qualify as charitable contributions under the U.S. Tax Code, so every donor gets a tax deduction.

Group Six Films will soon begin accepting donations to bring this powerful and moving story to the screen.

Interested in participating as an Executive Producer, Producer, or Associate Producer? This is a great way to support the film’s important themes of human resilience, empathy and understanding of marginalized people, and canine companionship.


Connect with us today to learn more about the numerous benefits of becoming a premier donor, without any pressure.




director | producer | screenwriter

Doug Conant is an award-winning director, writer, and producer noted for his nuanced visual storytelling, creative agility, and leadership. A graduate of Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, CA, his projects include “Sleeping,” a multi-award-winning coming-of-age mystery that aired nationally on BET, and “Broken,” a sensitive portrayal of rape survivors that’s used in crisis centers and the US Army. As a production administrator at WBTV, he contributed to hit series like “Supernatural” and “One Tree Hill.”

Doug admires Catherine Ryan Hyde for her mastery of character-driven stories that are not afraid to mine the darkest depths of the human condition and guide us out the other side, into the light.

Based in California, Doug enjoys exploring restaurants, cooking, traveling, and scenic drives with his lovely and amazing wife.

Follow Doug on LinkedIn and his website.




author, short story

Catherine Ryan Hyde is a prolific, award-winning New York Times bestselling author. She is acclaimed for her emotionally resonant novels, characterized by poignant storytelling and exploration of themes like human connection, resilience, and redemption. 

Catherine is the author of more than 45 books, including A Different Kind of Gone, Love in the Present Tense, Electric God, and Pay It Forward, which was named an ALA Book of the Year and made into a feature film. Catherine founded the Pay It Forward Foundation and served as president until 2009.

An avid hiker, traveler, equestrian, dog lover, photographer, and astro-photographer, she lives in California with her dog, Chloe, and cats, Jordan and Gabriel.

Follow Catherine on Facebook and her website.

From the Heart Productions, Inc. is honored to provide fiscal sponsorship for the film WITNESS TO BREATH. We carefully select the films we sponsor, and believe that this project will make a positive contribution to society and to the field of filmmaking.

Founded by Carole Dean (also founder of the industry-famous Studio Film & Tape company), we have been successfully funding films since our inception in 1993 under the 501(c )(3) Internal Revenue Code of 1954. We are also classified as a public charity under section 509(a )(2) of the Code. As such, any monetary donations to our Fiscal Sponsorship Program qualify as charitable contributions under the U.S. Tax Code.

We are proud to endorse this project and encourage you to support it.

Let’s make something amazing together

Connect with us for more information or to learn more about the many benefits of being a premier donor (Executive Producer, Producer, Associate Producer)

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